Tuesday, September 23

watched The Magdalene Sisters just now, which made me feel better about living my life. it's about how women were banished by their families to Magdalene Asylums and how they were mistreated and humilitated by the nuns in charge.

it's the 1st International Film Fest movie that made me feel like my view-scope has been broadened (okay, not that i'm an avid movie-goer in the 1st place:P). Some scenes struck me as interesting, particularly the one where the director did a close-up of the eye of one of the main leads and in which the viewer can see the reflection of the domineering nun in the eye. Pretty cool shot huh?

plus, traces of blood around the eyebrow and eye-lashes, which made it really uncomfortable for me to watch. hell, just so you know, i have a weird thing about eyes and i was fidgeting rather badly then (all that blood!), certainly more so than if i were watching a horror movie.

i also dig the part where the news about the rape of another main lead got transmitted among the family members in the midst of Irish band music (the setting was a wedding). The loud cheery music drowned out the conversation and we could only see the facial expressions of the cast. Now, as i'm typing this, i'm thinking that this technique may have already been done to death and i'm making a fuss out of nothing but when i watched the scene just now, i thought it was really neat. the director scored lots of points with me on that one:P

Since this is a fact-based expose of the Magdalene Asylums, it's a wonder how this movie ever got filmed in the first place, especially when you think in terms of the S'pore context. 15, our local film, just employed real street-gang names to add authenticity and look what happened to it. (sigh sigh)

so lest you accuse me of gloating, i guess i shall explain why i feel so good after watching it? apart from the obvious fact that it reminds me of how trivial my worries are (the last Asylum closed down in 1996!), i feel great because i did something unique today, something that i can take away with me after this day's gone, something of more lasting value for my ever-fuzzy memory

we all want to live a colourfully-lived existance but how does one exactly go about doing that?

can i make a new year's resolution to do one new thing daily, like Ross in Friends?

how do i add more stuff on my to-do list so that this semester doesn't speed past just like that? and what new stuff can i try out anyway? i dreaded reading my readings on Sunday and pretty much wasted the day on re-reading the Harry Potter series. Now, if i really wanna take a break from studying, you would have thought i would go and read something else new, right? but see, i don't even think i have the mood/energy that will sustain me through an entirely new book. i'll probably give up half-way because i'm too pent up about my readings

or am i just asking for too much here? one must simply endure the mundane days so that he will cherish the memorable ones. life isn't like the stork who drops you with awe-inspiring experiences every day

well, like what Jack from Titanic said, To Make Each Day Count...shall continue to gambatte yo!


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