Thursday, June 19

just a couple incidents i wanna record down for all posterity

Sat (14/6/03)--
I went with 7 sec sch friends to this NTU hostel in which this guy stays during term time...

I dreaded this outing initially because there was all that travelling to suffer through and the eight of us never exactly clicked together as an entity during our time together at AMKSS. i flatter myself by thinking that i know (knew, in some cases) each of them relatively well but i have always been hesitant to call ourselves a clique, since i don't think the guys have ever gotten to know the gals at a more intimate basis and vice versa. and it's not like we have our adolescence days to fall back on since we don't have the same shared experiences in the first place, having studied in different classes and streams.

sometimes, it seems incredulous that we ever got together in the first place, much less still hang out now...

anyway, it was a decent outing, much better than what i dared to expect. i think that for most of the time, we didn't stick to little groups and not interact with the rest liao. and it caught me by surprise that despite having little common ground, the conversation, though not exactly stimulating and engaging, didn't feel stitled either. there were some unusual pairings at times, most notably, kel and yu who were flipping through the newspapers trying to help the latter secure a job

tip: always, always talk about CAPs. a sure-fire way to get people personally involved and hence contribute to the conversation

it felt real good and nice when we were watching mindless TV at the lounge. this must be one of the reasons why some people fall hopelessly in love with hostel life! only, this is better than my experience with my block mates since these are friends i'm watching TV with. when we got around to commenting on the show and offering additional/background information/perspectives, i felt like we were one big family enjoying one another's company very much...

so cheers to one great day! though it intrigues me that while friendships have an annoying tendency to die off, my friend-ships with these people are still sailing in this vast ocean of Life (readers, are you rolling your eyes now? *grins*) and it's interesting to observe how the older we get, the more topics we have to talk about and hence the more comfortable we become with one another. How diversity isn't necessarily a liability for friendships

P/s: i got to know kel is really an ambitious sort. can't decide how i feel about that actually, except that it disturbs me somehow. or more accurately, i don't think i will wanna explore my emotions in a public domain...


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