Tuesday, July 1

"An open letter to Kym Ng, my friend, rival & ex-colleague...Sharon Au writes her own cover story!"

so says the teaser on the front cover of 8 days

i read and was oddly touched. Oddly, because i didn't know what exactly induced me to re-read her article again and again

maybe it's because it isn't everyday that i find a high-profile celebrity expressing her thoughts unreservedly on her friendship with another high-profile celebrity and hence, my voyeuristic interests are satisfied. maybe it's because sharon declares her affection and loyalty to kym and pines so much for their days as City Beat hosts that such a tribute to friendship captivates me. or maybe it's because of the way "rival" is used here as an attention-grabber that i wonder just how multi-faceted their friendship is and admire the way they remain firm friends in spite of it

if my peers become high-fliers and earn big bucks and such, will i be self-assured enough to stay around? or detach myself, for fear of rejection of my unworthiness? or turn competitive and put friendships on the back seat because i so wanna outshine them and emerge as the "winner"?

i wonder and fear that i will miss sharon au greatly when she leaves for New York, even though i cannot stand her too-exuberant screen presence at times


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