why this episode will remain as one of the coolest and most memorable experiences in my blog-writing life ever
I wasn't going to write tonight. but something happened to make me feel all excited and exhilarated that writing this now seems to be no effort at all
I was randomly surfing and was shocked to see sharon au standing besides this bespectacled guy in a polaroid picture that has been uploaded on his blog. Upon reading further, i discovered that he is a long-standing and close friend of Sharon Au
Trying to stop my shaking fingers from stumbling all over, i hurriedly wrote the following email to him:
Hi Danny,
I did some random surfing on the net as usual and it appears that you are a
close friend of Sharon Au. i hope it isn't too rude of me to ask you for a
flavor but would you please kindly pass this mini article below along to
Sharon Au? It is proudly posted on my online journal and I will be so
Can you also tell her that i was one of those cynical folks who didn't see
the point about the hype surrounding Harry Potter until i read that she was
a sceptic who became a convert when she decided to give Harry a chance and
read the books for herself? well, she kinda influenced me to be open-minded
and now, i am a convert and a die-hard fan too!
i presume you are her JC confidante who wrote about your friendship with her
in an old issue of I-Weekly? well, that article you wrote kinda struck me
deeply because i wondered if you were the "friend who lived a block away to
type into a Microsoft Word document....". Hmm, your existance may be humble
as compared to Sharon's but hey, you are not an unknown in my eyes.:P
I think it's so cool that you remain firm friends with Sharon, despite her
working in the entertainment industry. Please take my sentiment in good
faith, for I mean it sincerely and not as a condescending remark or
thanks and regards,
p/s: btw, in case you are curious, i am 23, M, struggling student at NUS and
forever fathoming the true meaning of life (being melodramatic is one of my
i'm so glad i took up blog-writing, if for nothing else. firstly, i was compelled to write about my feelings for Sharon Au's article and secondly, she may get to read it because i have been satisfying my curiosity by lurking at other people's blogs
a faterider's musings on earth
i'm just collecting stories in life
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