Tuesday, December 30

a lorry came zooming past when i was crossing the green light. a few seconds earlier and i would have been hit. i was lucky i was in a zombie state

and anita mui died today

i'm surprised and glad that i'm not feeling more


i love engrossing myself in the preparations before a trip
i like to think about what T-shirt and pants i should bring, how many i should bring, which stuff won't make me look so dull in my photos, what stuff i should bring but can't recall because that darned item lies stubbornly in the recesses of my mind
i like to walk lesiurely to the big NTUC Fairplace and purchase last-minute stuff, never mind that there are several minimarts near my house. i like to put my $1 coin into the slot and push a trolley and gaze longingly at the shelves packed full of groceries and household appliances and feel like i have all the time in the world. nothing else matters except that i get my stuff and all is nice and dainty and carefree

the world is so big. how can i traverse all its land in my lifetime?

Le A: all in good time, dude. all in good time
Le B: (speechless, on the verge of panicking)


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