Saturday, July 10

The Spanish Apartment

scenes i liked:
~a chill-out and discussion about multiple identities (makes me think about how no singaporean director has explored our multi-faceted identities yet~do you feel more Teochew instead of Chinese? more cheena vs more ang mo pai? more (ethnicity) Singaporean or more Singaporean (ethnicity)? or just artifical labels tat we come up with to constrain ourselves)
~when the lead bade farwell to his girlfriend. they parted ways and the girlfriend used the escalator. she turned back and walked down a few steps but the lead was moving on. then, the lead turned back, only to see her disappearing within his line of vision. cliched scene to denote missed opportunity and aching hearts, perhaps. i thought to have the girl actually moving down the few steps was pretty cool and classy
~when the occupants went to cheong, got themselves drunk and high and sang merrily to a new american friend strumming "No woman no cry" on his guitar. liked this uninhibited display of solidarity. reminded of a favourite (similar) scene in Time and Tide

why i enjoyed:
~made me long for the chance to explore the unknown with friends from multicultural backgrounds. and for the chance to squash cultural stereotypes and learn about diverse cultures and form new tentative hypotheses about humanity. i'm glad i'm still this guy who hates to put himself into trouble cos i would have cursed at myself for not going for overseas exchange if i weren't.
~the fact that there isn't a main plot that governs the flow of this movie. rather, it's made up of disparate events and various underdeveloped characters/storylines. would have slammed other movies for being pointless if they were to portray their stories in the same manner, i suppose but i think it worked out really well for this coming-of-age from-college-to-working-life movie. seems more realistic because hostel life isn't dominated by one or two major events anyway. it's the little scattered slices of quirky hostel living tat make up the entire experience.
~i liked the fact that the lead gathered the courage to fulfill his dreams after this overseas stint. hmm, such finality of resolution is something i would think that's hardly found in real life (at least, considering how miserable singaporeans generally are with theirs). but after hearing how some teammates (in recent YEP) have had memorable exchange programs/work attachments, i guess being able to stay overseas does wonders to one's soul

~how do i work my way towards becoming a global citizen? *unsatisfied, shit i'm 24!*
~can i get a job as a movie critic? *grinz*
~why do directors always like to depict their characters' world in single colours?


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